The Green Sheaf no.2 total 16pp. with a supplement 225mm*295mm



The world of imagination is the world of eternity. It is the divine bosom into which we shall go after the death of the vegetated body.

The world of imagination is infinite and eternal, wherears the world of generation or vegetation is finite and temporal.

There exists in that eternal world the eternal realities of everything which we see reflected in this vegetable glass of nature.

---- William Blake.


"Lucilla"は某女流詩人の雅号。"Songs of Lucilla"をElkin Mathewsから出しており、それなりに評価が高かったようである。


All things have conspired against me
To fill my heart with unrest.
Let me hide the world from remembrance;
To dream were surely best,
For the warring of flesh and spirit
Can only be drowned in dreams.
O Lords of the Silver Shadow,
Be tender with my dreams,
Lest even my dreams should conspire
To fill my heart with unrest.

--Cecil French



6頁から10頁まではイエイツ、シング、メスフィールドの夢のエッセイが掲載されている。イエイツのそれは「世界の終末の夢」、シングは「アイルランド人の夢」、メスフィールドは"JAN A DREAMS"なるタイトルで自分の夢を語る。いわく「この夢はわたしがいつも見る強烈な夢と同じく、多くの翼が羽ばたく音、大水の轟音、海風の咆哮といった騒音で始まった」。下はPCSがつけたイラストである。

From 6 to 10pp are there the essays of W.B.Yeats, J.M.Synge and John Masefield. All of them took up "dream" of one kind or another as their theme, and the below is the illustration of PCS for Masefield who wrote "This dream, like all my intenser dreams, commenced with a noise as of the beating of many wings, the rush of water, and the roaring of a sea-wind."(Jan a Dreams) -- roppo

 11頁を占領しているW.T.ホートンのイラスト 「静寂」。

"La Tranquillita" by W.T.Horton.

 第1号から続く「コンスタンス殿が北に向かう話」クリストファー・セントジョン作につけられたPCSのイラスト。作者セントジョンは本名 Christabel Marshall という女性であり、エディス・クレイグ(エレン・テリーの娘)と生涯をともに過ごしたというわけありの人物である。

PCS's illustration for the short story "How Master Constance Went to the North" by Christopher St John ( Christabel Marshall, a lifelong-partner of Edith Craig the daughter of Ellen Terry) -- roppo

 14頁の全面イラスト。作者はDrothy P. Ward 。


Outside of the casement wind voices are singing.
There is dancing below, I can hear their gay tread.
Even the church-bells are cheerfully ringing,
O why am I sent all too early to bed?

Star-faces are smiling aloft in the lightness.
And out in the lamplight I see
For everyone else there is music and brightness.
But only the silence and darkness for me.


『100万年後』 "A Million Years Hence"

AEの作になる別刷り付録。 Suppliment by AE